We often get inquiries about what the 'going rate' is for consulting projects, and here's our advice: 1. Figure out what your time is worth. Hourly...
Guest post by Killian Young Killian is a recent grad of Northwestern's prestigious Medill School of Journalism. For the past several years, he's reported on and...
Have you ever been at a concert, or a school play, or a football game -- and some yahoo next to you is filming the...
The 2015 Digital Trends Report from Media Storm is out, with the 10 things you need to know in media trends and measurement.
Media Storm is...
Think it's weird to sell jewelry out of your car? Check out this February 4, 2015 Forbes article that describes how an Uber driver makes $18,ooo/month...
Just this morning I got in a new search for an Analyst so I grabbed my thick folder of resumes and, lo and behold, the...